Sunday, May 31, 2009

Thing 12: "Rate" and Recommend Articles to Others Via Social Media Sites

Thing 11: Learn About Tagging and

Thing 10: Learn About Wikis

Thing 9: Collaborate with These Web 2.0 Tools

Thing 8: Share Your Slide Decks, Photos, or Presentation Slides

Thing 7: Try These Web 2.0 Tools

Thing 6: Play with Online Image Generator

Thing 5: More Fun with Flickr

Thing 4: Explore Flickr

Thing 3: Set Up an RSS Account and Add Feeds

I've set up an account with Google Reader and subscribed to Tim Wilson's "The Savvy Technologist. His music storage project is something I've been thinking about doing myself. How long would it have taken to get this information in the past? Here I got it in a couple of clicks, although I'll admit that it was somewhat serendipitous.
There's a link to Google Reader at the left. You have to have a gmail account to set up the RSS feed.
I would probably organize these feeds into categories such as "Personal Interest," "Professional," and "Music."

Thing 2: Read Perspectives on Web 2.0 & Libraries 2.0

Library Media Specialists Need to Head to 2.0 Too
We can no longer expect our students to come to us on our time schedule and our terms. We are moving to a paradigm where we need to meet the students as they have an information need. We are information facilitators on the social web and if we don't become part of their solution, they will (quite easily) seek solutions outside of our sphere.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thing 1: Create a Blog

As you can see, I've created my blog. I'll probably use this blog exclusively for the 23 Things on a Stick project and then take it down when I've competed them. At the same time, I'm planning to set up my own personal and professional sites. Once they are established, I'll post a link here.
I'm adding a few things to the left side that will help me as I navigate through this project.